The average house price on SALISBURY AVENUE is £25,473
The most expensive house in the street is 12 SALISBURY AVENUE with an estimated value of £40,065
The cheapest house in the street is 16 SALISBURY AVENUE with an estimated value of £16,339
The house which was most recently sold was 15 SALISBURY AVENUE, this sold on 25 Apr 2006 for £15,000
The postcode for SALISBURY AVENUE is HU3 5HA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
12 SALISBURY AVENUE Terraced £40,065 £14,500 23 Aug 2002
13 SALISBURY AVENUE Terraced £24,695 £13,000 9 Dec 2004
14 SALISBURY AVENUE Terraced £24,867 £13,000 6 Oct 2004
15 SALISBURY AVENUE Terraced £26,489 £15,000 25 Apr 2006
16 SALISBURY AVENUE Terraced £16,339 £9,000 6 Dec 2005
17 SALISBURY AVENUE Terraced £20,386 £10,750 30 Nov 2004