The average house price on TINNERS WAY is £529,091
The most expensive house in the street is 3 TINNERS WAY with an estimated value of £579,626
The cheapest house in the street is 7 TINNERS WAY with an estimated value of £483,094
The house which was most recently sold was 4 TINNERS WAY, this sold on 31 May 2022 for £495,100
The postcode for TINNERS WAY is TR11 5GL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 TINNERS WAY Detached , 194 m2 £540,396 £315,000 28 Sep 2012
2 TINNERS WAY Detached , 120 m2 £547,108 £410,000 25 Oct 2016
3 TINNERS WAY Detached , 146 m2 £579,626 £340,000 2 Nov 2012
4 TINNERS WAY Detached , 120 m2 £508,343 £495,100 31 May 2022
4 TINNERS WAY Detached , 120 m2 £508,343 £495,100 31 May 2022
5 TINNERS WAY Detached , 146 m2 £562,578 £330,000 30 Nov 2012
6 TINNERS WAY Detached , 120 m2 £503,242 £412,500 30 Jun 2020
7 TINNERS WAY Detached , 118 m2 £483,094 £290,000 30 Aug 2013