The average house price on HATHERLEIGH CLOSE is £447,311
The most expensive house in the street is 3 HATHERLEIGH CLOSE with an estimated value of £653,776
The cheapest house in the street is 10 HATHERLEIGH CLOSE with an estimated value of £258,799
The house which was most recently sold was 9 HATHERLEIGH CLOSE, this sold on 23 Apr 2024 for £425,000
The postcode for HATHERLEIGH CLOSE is KT9 2QY
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 HATHERLEIGH CLOSE Semi-Detached £511,480 £89,000 20 Nov 1995
3 HATHERLEIGH CLOSE Terraced , 136 m2 £653,776 £525,000 8 May 2019
6 HATHERLEIGH CLOSE Terraced , 114 m2 £392,829 £225,000 24 Jun 2011
7 HATHERLEIGH CLOSE Terraced £437,107 £235,000 6 Feb 2009
8 HATHERLEIGH CLOSE Terraced , 106 m2 £448,464 £302,000 30 Mar 2015
9 HATHERLEIGH CLOSE Terraced , 80 m2 £428,723 £425,000 23 Apr 2024
10 HATHERLEIGH CLOSE Terraced £258,799 £58,000 24 May 1999