The average house price on MAESYFFYNON LANE is £353,403
The most expensive house in the street is MAESYFFYNON COTTAGE MAESYFFYNON LANE with an estimated value of £435,819
The cheapest house in the street is SPRINGFIELD MAESYFFYNON LANE with an estimated value of £240,163
The house which was most recently sold was SPRINGFIELD MAESYFFYNON LANE, this sold on 29 Apr 2022 for £231,500
The postcode for MAESYFFYNON LANE is CF44 6EJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
CHASE LANDS MAESYFFYNON LANE Detached £399,241 £110,000 1 Dec 2000
HILLSIDE MAESYFFYNON LANE Detached £338,389 £98,000 31 May 2001
MAESYFFYNON COTTAGE MAESYFFYNON LANE Detached , 144 m2 £435,819 £83,750 23 May 1997
SPRINGFIELD MAESYFFYNON LANE Detached £240,163 £231,500 29 Apr 2022