The average house price on TAN PIT LANE is £727,764
The most expensive house in the street is 4 TAN PIT LANE with an estimated value of £1,338,224
The cheapest house in the street is LONGMYND TAN PIT LANE with an estimated value of £453,106
The house which was most recently sold was LONGMYND TAN PIT LANE, this sold on 9 Nov 2018 for £365,000
The postcode for TAN PIT LANE is YO61 3HD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 TAN PIT LANE £1,338,224 £1,000,000 30 Sep 2016
LAXTON BUNGALOW TAN PIT LANE Detached £585,697 £350,000 22 Jul 2013
LONGMYND TAN PIT LANE Detached £453,106 £365,000 9 Nov 2018
THE GARTH TAN PIT LANE Detached £611,005 £250,000 21 Mar 2003
THE OLD TANNERY TAN PIT LANE Detached £636,838 £420,000 22 Sep 2014
THEATRE COTTAGE TAN PIT LANE Detached £876,383 £230,000 5 May 2000
TUDOR ROSE COTTAGE TAN PIT LANE Detached £593,095 £459,500 1 Jun 2017