The average house price on HILL CLOSE is £197,818
The most expensive house in the street is 10 HILL CLOSE with an estimated value of £262,136
The cheapest house in the street is 1 HILL CLOSE with an estimated value of £133,350
The house which was most recently sold was 5 HILL CLOSE, this sold on 25 Oct 2023 for £205,000
The postcode for HILL CLOSE is LL14 2SG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 HILL CLOSE Terraced £133,350 £105,000 28 Nov 2017
3 HILL CLOSE Terraced £193,575 £36,500 17 Feb 1997
5 HILL CLOSE Terraced £209,764 £205,000 25 Oct 2023
6 HILL CLOSE Terraced £184,139 £185,000 11 Nov 2022
9 HILL CLOSE Detached £221,292 £185,000 8 Sep 2020
10 HILL CLOSE Detached £262,136 £164,000 29 Jun 2007
11 HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £180,472 £145,000 21 Jun 2019