The average house price on YEW CLOSE is £600,288
The most expensive house in the street is 5 YEW CLOSE with an estimated value of £694,922
The cheapest house in the street is 9 YEW CLOSE with an estimated value of £443,163
The house which was most recently sold was 6 YEW CLOSE, this sold on 12 Aug 2022 for £509,950
The postcode for YEW CLOSE is RG41 4AF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
5 YEW CLOSE Detached , 120 m2 £694,922 £595,000 6 Nov 2020
6 YEW CLOSE Detached £512,346 £509,950 12 Aug 2022
7 YEW CLOSE Detached , 156 m2 £681,996 £124,500 29 Nov 1996
9 YEW CLOSE Detached , 78 m2 £443,163 £375,000 9 Oct 2020
11 YEW CLOSE Detached , 94 m2 £624,102 £505,000 9 Dec 2019
12 YEW CLOSE Detached , 117 m2 £679,918 £255,950 14 Oct 2002
14 YEW CLOSE Detached , 82 m2 £565,571 £375,000 3 Oct 2014