The average house price on JASMINE CLOSE is £822,390
The most expensive house in the street is 8 JASMINE CLOSE with an estimated value of £1,011,865
The cheapest house in the street is 15 JASMINE CLOSE with an estimated value of £656,114
The house which was most recently sold was 6 JASMINE CLOSE, this sold on 24 Oct 2018 for £640,000
The postcode for JASMINE CLOSE is RG41 3NQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 JASMINE CLOSE Detached , 146 m2 £848,815 £495,000 5 Jul 2012
5 JASMINE CLOSE Detached , 158 m2 £872,865 £499,950 30 Jun 2011
6 JASMINE CLOSE Detached , 150 m2 £794,516 £640,000 24 Oct 2018
7 JASMINE CLOSE Detached £683,278 £370,000 1 Aug 2005
8 JASMINE CLOSE Detached , 194 m2 £1,011,865 £766,000 8 Dec 2016
11 JASMINE CLOSE Detached , 149 m2 £816,442 £600,000 29 Mar 2016
12 JASMINE CLOSE Detached £982,441 £225,000 15 Jul 1999
14 JASMINE CLOSE Detached £735,174 £402,000 4 Dec 2008
15 JASMINE CLOSE Detached £656,114 £349,950 26 Apr 2005