The average house price on FARLEY CLOSE is £455,233
The most expensive house in the street is 8A FARLEY CLOSE with an estimated value of £517,249
The cheapest house in the street is 8 FARLEY CLOSE with an estimated value of £364,673
The house which was most recently sold was 7 FARLEY CLOSE, this sold on 3 Aug 2021 for £450,000
The postcode for FARLEY CLOSE is OX29 8EE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 FARLEY CLOSE Detached £440,985 £286,500 7 Jul 2014
7 FARLEY CLOSE Detached £505,743 £450,000 3 Aug 2021
7A FARLEY CLOSE Detached £493,393 £440,000 18 Mar 2021
8A FARLEY CLOSE Detached £517,249 £297,000 19 Oct 2011
8 FARLEY CLOSE Detached £364,673 £290,000 27 Apr 2018
8B FARLEY CLOSE Detached £446,331 £229,950 26 Aug 2004
HIGHCROFT, 8 FARLEY CLOSE Detached £418,263 £373,000 25 Mar 2021