The average house price on KIRBY PARK is £985,085
The most expensive house in the street is 14A KIRBY PARK with an estimated value of £1,324,692
The cheapest house in the street is 10A KIRBY PARK with an estimated value of £411,472
The house which was most recently sold was HILL TOFT KIRBY PARK, this sold on 3 Mar 2022 for £595,000
The postcode for KIRBY PARK is CH48 2HA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 KIRBY PARK Detached , 319 m2 £855,407 £350,000 14 Mar 2003
4 KIRBY PARK Detached £1,233,293 £260,000 1 May 1998
6 KIRBY PARK Detached £1,164,405 £625,000 31 May 2005
10A KIRBY PARK Flats/Maisonettes £411,472 £310,000 18 Nov 2016
12 KIRBY PARK Semi-Detached , 238 m2 £1,011,731 £815,000 21 Nov 2018
14 KIRBY PARK Semi-Detached , 327 m2 £1,267,884 £742,000 14 May 2010
14A KIRBY PARK Detached £1,324,692 £800,000 18 Jul 2008
16 KIRBY PARK Detached £978,664 £620,000 22 Feb 2008
18 KIRBY PARK Semi-Detached , 275 m2 £982,168 £730,000 23 Jun 2016
HILL TOFT KIRBY PARK Detached £621,140 £595,000 3 Mar 2022