The average house price on HATTON CLOSE is £694,171
The most expensive house in the street is 5 HATTON CLOSE with an estimated value of £798,747
The cheapest house in the street is 6 HATTON CLOSE with an estimated value of £481,115
The house which was most recently sold was 9 HATTON CLOSE, this sold on 27 May 2016 for £482,250
The postcode for HATTON CLOSE is CH60 9HT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 HATTON CLOSE Detached £793,386 £447,500 28 Oct 2009
2 HATTON CLOSE Detached £723,160 £155,000 27 Oct 1998
5 HATTON CLOSE Detached , 234 m2 £798,747 £488,000 1 Nov 2013
6 HATTON CLOSE Detached , 126 m2 £481,115 £348,000 14 Jan 2016
9 HATTON CLOSE Detached , 133 m2 £652,415 £482,250 27 May 2016
10 HATTON CLOSE Detached £733,225 £249,749 1 May 2002
HAME, 7 HATTON CLOSE Detached £677,150 £390,000 16 Nov 2011