The average house price on DAWPOOL DRIVE is £331,464
The most expensive house in the street is 5A DAWPOOL DRIVE with an estimated value of £429,621
The cheapest house in the street is 5 DAWPOOL DRIVE with an estimated value of £229,437
The house which was most recently sold was 11 DAWPOOL DRIVE, this sold on 26 Jul 2019 for £305,000
The postcode for DAWPOOL DRIVE is CH46 0PH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2A DAWPOOL DRIVE Detached £292,451 £190,000 22 Jul 2014
3 DAWPOOL DRIVE Semi-Detached £304,401 £149,950 28 May 2004
4 DAWPOOL DRIVE Detached £315,385 £185,000 26 Nov 2012
5 DAWPOOL DRIVE Terraced £229,437 £132,500 30 Jan 2012
5A DAWPOOL DRIVE Detached £429,621 £249,950 10 Apr 2012
7 DAWPOOL DRIVE Detached £369,995 £275,000 29 Jun 2016
11 DAWPOOL DRIVE Detached £378,964 £305,000 26 Jul 2019