The average house price on STONE TERRACE is £460,624
The most expensive house in the street is 2 STONE TERRACE with an estimated value of £559,378
The cheapest house in the street is 1 STONE TERRACE with an estimated value of £300,804
The house which was most recently sold was 1 STONE TERRACE, this sold on 23 Jan 2023 for £300,000
The postcode for STONE TERRACE is SO21 2HS
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 STONE TERRACE Terraced £300,804 £300,000 23 Jan 2023
2 STONE TERRACE Terraced £559,378 £417,000 22 Jul 2016
3 STONE TERRACE Terraced £437,044 £435,000 18 Aug 2022
4 STONE TERRACE Terraced £544,295 £400,000 30 Mar 2016
6 STONE TERRACE Terraced £455,270 £265,000 4 May 2012
OTTER COTTAGE, 5 STONE TERRACE Terraced £466,954 £442,000 11 Feb 2022