The average house price on WOODFORD ROAD is £1,538,619
The most expensive house in the street is BRAE COTTAGE WOODFORD ROAD with an estimated value of £2,111,652
The cheapest house in the street is DEAN COURT WOODFORD ROAD with an estimated value of £551,474
The house which was most recently sold was DEAN COURT WOODFORD ROAD, this sold on 31 Jan 2023 for £550,000
The postcodes for WOODFORD ROAD are SK9 2LS, SK9 2LS , SK9 2LT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BRAE COTTAGE WOODFORD ROAD Detached , 262 m2 £1,683,594 £1,355,000 29 Jul 2019
BRAE COTTAGE WOODFORD ROAD Detached £2,111,652 £1,150,000 8 Jul 2009
DEAN COURT WOODFORD ROAD £551,474 £550,000 31 Jan 2023
UPTON HOUSE FARM WOODFORD ROAD Detached £1,807,758 £315,000 12 Oct 1995