The average house price on CARLETON CLOSE is £386,992
The most expensive house in the street is CARLETON COTTAGE CARLETON CLOSE with an estimated value of £418,844
The cheapest house in the street is 2 CARLETON CLOSE with an estimated value of £359,362
The house which was most recently sold was 2 CARLETON CLOSE, this sold on 20 May 2022 for £350,000
The postcode for CARLETON CLOSE is LS23 6PH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 CARLETON CLOSE Detached £359,362 £350,000 20 May 2022
8 CARLETON CLOSE Detached £392,088 £249,950 2 Apr 2014
10 CARLETON CLOSE Semi-Detached £378,659 £365,000 14 Apr 2022
16 CARLETON CLOSE Semi-Detached £386,010 £68,000 30 Jun 1995
CARLETON COTTAGE CARLETON CLOSE Detached £418,844 £265,000 6 Aug 2007