The average house price on AVON GARTH is £1,409,574
The most expensive house in the street is 10 AVON GARTH with an estimated value of £1,728,671
The cheapest house in the street is 4 AVON GARTH with an estimated value of £1,034,688
The house which was most recently sold was 4 AVON GARTH, this sold on 18 Sep 2020 for £865,000
The postcode for AVON GARTH is LS22 6HH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 AVON GARTH Detached , 374 m2 £1,277,968 £750,000 14 Dec 2012
2 AVON GARTH Detached £1,583,823 £550,000 28 Jun 2002
3 AVON GARTH Detached , 186 m2 £1,427,857 £320,000 28 May 1999
4 AVON GARTH Detached , 199 m2 £1,034,688 £865,000 18 Sep 2020
5 AVON GARTH Detached £1,649,714 £675,000 31 Mar 2003
6 AVON GARTH Detached £1,600,635 £350,000 30 Jan 1999
7 AVON GARTH Detached £1,238,367 £325,000 12 May 2000
8 AVON GARTH Detached £1,118,621 £655,000 10 Sep 2010
9 AVON GARTH Detached , 366 m2 £1,435,405 £1,200,000 3 Sep 2020
10 AVON GARTH Detached , 238 m2 £1,728,671 £420,000 26 Nov 1999