The average house price on BROOKE CLOSE is £184,769
The most expensive house in the street is 50 BROOKE CLOSE with an estimated value of £213,567
The cheapest house in the street is 27 BROOKE CLOSE with an estimated value of £165,307
The house which was most recently sold was 50 BROOKE CLOSE, this sold on 24 Mar 2023 for £210,000
The postcode for BROOKE CLOSE is NN8 3LJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 BROOKE CLOSE Terraced , 94 m2 £182,621 £115,000 12 Jul 2007
26 BROOKE CLOSE Terraced , 100 m2 £205,350 £200,000 6 May 2022
27 BROOKE CLOSE Terraced , 86 m2 £165,307 £114,000 24 Jul 2015
27 BROOKE CLOSE Terraced , 86 m2 £165,307 £114,000 24 Jul 2015
37 BROOKE CLOSE Terraced £184,627 £104,995 26 May 2006
48 BROOKE CLOSE Terraced , 94 m2 £178,674 £145,000 21 May 2020
49 BROOKE CLOSE Terraced £182,701 £90,000 14 May 2004
50 BROOKE CLOSE Terraced , 63 m2 £213,567 £210,000 24 Mar 2023