The average house price on WINDRUSH GARDENS is £280,768
The most expensive house in the street is 1 WINDRUSH GARDENS with an estimated value of £314,138
The cheapest house in the street is 4 WINDRUSH GARDENS with an estimated value of £252,255
The house which was most recently sold was 11 WINDRUSH GARDENS, this sold on 30 Sep 2021 for £255,000
The postcode for WINDRUSH GARDENS is PO7 7AQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 WINDRUSH GARDENS Semi-Detached , 80 m2 £314,138 £250,000 29 May 2018
3 WINDRUSH GARDENS Terraced £285,777 £75,000 17 May 2000
4 WINDRUSH GARDENS Terraced , 69 m2 £252,255 £146,000 29 Jan 2010
11 WINDRUSH GARDENS Terraced , 63 m2 £276,820 £255,000 30 Sep 2021
12 WINDRUSH GARDENS Terraced , 62 m2 £255,132 £180,000 6 Oct 2015
17 WINDRUSH GARDENS Terraced £300,487 £62,995 7 Apr 1998