The average house price on NINE STILES CLOSE is £431,562
The most expensive house in the street is 9 NINE STILES CLOSE with an estimated value of £548,564
The cheapest house in the street is 7 NINE STILES CLOSE with an estimated value of £299,584
The house which was most recently sold was 9 NINE STILES CLOSE, this sold on 9 Jun 2017 for £425,000
The postcode for NINE STILES CLOSE is UB9 4BA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 NINE STILES CLOSE Semi-Detached £379,420 £209,000 16 Dec 2005
4 NINE STILES CLOSE Semi-Detached £527,804 £260,000 14 May 2004
6 NINE STILES CLOSE Semi-Detached £465,773 £250,000 28 May 2009
7 NINE STILES CLOSE Semi-Detached £299,584 £172,000 7 Jul 2006
9 NINE STILES CLOSE Semi-Detached £548,564 £425,000 9 Jun 2017
10 NINE STILES CLOSE Semi-Detached £379,814 £242,500 31 Oct 2007
12 NINE STILES CLOSE Semi-Detached £482,870 £333,000 27 Jul 2015
13 NINE STILES CLOSE Semi-Detached £457,280 £135,000 20 Jul 2001
15 NINE STILES CLOSE Semi-Detached £342,956 £200,000 6 Jul 2012