The average house price on WOODLEIGHTON GROVE is £502,099
The most expensive house in the street is 6 WOODLEIGHTON GROVE with an estimated value of £552,782
The cheapest house in the street is 4 WOODLEIGHTON GROVE with an estimated value of £463,442
The house which was most recently sold was 2 WOODLEIGHTON GROVE, this sold on 13 Dec 2023 for £485,000
The postcode for WOODLEIGHTON GROVE is ST14 8BX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 WOODLEIGHTON GROVE Detached , 143 m2 £500,376 £485,000 13 Dec 2023
4 WOODLEIGHTON GROVE Detached , 138 m2 £463,442 £375,000 6 Dec 2019
6 WOODLEIGHTON GROVE Detached , 140 m2 £552,782 £291,000 2 Dec 2004
8 WOODLEIGHTON GROVE Detached , 158 m2 £471,053 £322,000 9 Jun 2015
10 WOODLEIGHTON GROVE Detached £522,843 £325,000 25 May 2007