The average house price on HIGH ELMS is £494,032
The most expensive house in the street is 5 HIGH ELMS with an estimated value of £520,476
The cheapest house in the street is 4 HIGH ELMS with an estimated value of £474,765
The house which was most recently sold was 2 HIGH ELMS, this sold on 26 Nov 2021 for £475,000
The postcode for HIGH ELMS is RM14 1XT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 HIGH ELMS Semi-Detached , 98 m2 £479,803 £93,000 6 Jun 1997
2 HIGH ELMS Terraced £517,522 £475,000 26 Nov 2021
4 HIGH ELMS Terraced , 73 m2 £474,765 £285,000 12 Aug 2013
5 HIGH ELMS Terraced , 95 m2 £520,476 £388,000 28 Jul 2016
8 HIGH ELMS Terraced , 78 m2 £477,650 £440,000 1 Sep 2021
13 HIGH ELMS Terraced , 90 m2 £493,977 £327,500 21 Nov 2014