The average house price on FERNHILL TERRACE is £163,355
The most expensive house in the street is 9 FERNHILL TERRACE with an estimated value of £199,695
The cheapest house in the street is 6 FERNHILL TERRACE with an estimated value of £120,944
The house which was most recently sold was 4 FERNHILL TERRACE, this sold on 16 May 2019 for £135,000
The postcode for FERNHILL TERRACE is CF46 5NA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 FERNHILL TERRACE Terraced £182,886 £105,000 20 Jul 2006
4 FERNHILL TERRACE Terraced , 114 m2 £168,114 £135,000 16 May 2019
6 FERNHILL TERRACE Terraced , 92 m2 £120,944 £84,000 14 Aug 2015
8 FERNHILL TERRACE Terraced £168,182 £105,000 16 May 2008
9 FERNHILL TERRACE Terraced , 97 m2 £199,695 £110,000 16 Dec 2005
10 FERNHILL TERRACE Semi-Detached , 94 m2 £140,314 £65,000 23 Jan 2004