The average house price on PARTRIDGE DRIVE is £423,618
The most expensive house in the street is 5 PARTRIDGE DRIVE with an estimated value of £505,897
The cheapest house in the street is 6 PARTRIDGE DRIVE with an estimated value of £361,169
The house which was most recently sold was 4 PARTRIDGE DRIVE, this sold on 9 May 2019 for £315,000
The postcode for PARTRIDGE DRIVE is IP24 2YR
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 PARTRIDGE DRIVE Detached £470,495 £100,000 10 Jul 1998
2 PARTRIDGE DRIVE Detached £388,017 £172,000 6 Oct 2003
3 PARTRIDGE DRIVE Semi-Detached £383,613 £110,000 9 Apr 2001
4 PARTRIDGE DRIVE Detached , 142 m2 £392,266 £315,000 9 May 2019
5 PARTRIDGE DRIVE Detached £505,897 £96,000 10 Apr 1997
6 PARTRIDGE DRIVE Detached , 95 m2 £361,169 £211,000 2 Mar 2010
7 PARTRIDGE DRIVE Detached , 179 m2 £487,661 £265,000 30 Sep 2005
8 PARTRIDGE DRIVE Detached £443,423 £240,000 7 Jan 2009
9 PARTRIDGE DRIVE Detached , 144 m2 £393,826 £248,000 13 Jul 2007
10 PARTRIDGE DRIVE Detached , 147 m2 £409,217 £230,000 9 Mar 2006
11 PARTRIDGE DRIVE Detached £424,215 £74,750 11 Apr 1996