The average house price on HILL CLOSE is £346,601
The most expensive house in the street is 50 HILL CLOSE with an estimated value of £455,536
The cheapest house in the street is 41 HILL CLOSE with an estimated value of £247,190
The house which was most recently sold was 50 HILL CLOSE, this sold on 17 Jun 2019 for £366,000
The postcodes for HILL CLOSE are GL20 7ET, GL20 7EW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £351,743 £205,000 15 Sep 2006
10 HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £362,141 £270,000 26 Aug 2016
15 HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £356,924 £205,000 3 Dec 2009
15A HILL CLOSE Detached £346,611 £200,000 18 Mar 2011
25 HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £356,062 £65,000 22 Nov 1996
26 HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £253,289 £200,000 19 Dec 2017
28 HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £335,186 £270,000 5 Oct 2018
40 HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £384,408 £193,000 11 Jun 2004
41 HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £247,190 £167,000 8 Apr 2015
47 HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £363,530 £248,500 2 Jun 2015
50 HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £455,536 £366,000 17 Jun 2019