The average house price on BEACON CLOSE is £454,497
The most expensive house in the street is 3 BEACON CLOSE with an estimated value of £562,776
The cheapest house in the street is 5 BEACON CLOSE with an estimated value of £310,988
The house which was most recently sold was 5 BEACON CLOSE, this sold on 15 Nov 2013 for £190,000
The postcode for BEACON CLOSE is SN5 8ZW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BEACON CLOSE Detached £495,496 £100,000 6 Nov 1997
2 BEACON CLOSE Detached , 126 m2 £394,468 £226,500 28 Oct 2011
3 BEACON CLOSE Detached £562,776 £187,000 3 Apr 2002
4 BEACON CLOSE Detached , 88 m2 £424,231 £85,000 21 Oct 1997
5 BEACON CLOSE Detached , 77 m2 £310,988 £190,000 15 Nov 2013
6 BEACON CLOSE Detached , 146 m2 £539,023 £108,000 10 Oct 1997