The average house price on HAINULT CLOSE is £471,919
The most expensive house in the street is 7 HAINULT CLOSE with an estimated value of £607,238
The cheapest house in the street is 9 HAINULT CLOSE with an estimated value of £380,771
The house which was most recently sold was 9 HAINULT CLOSE, this sold on 2 Jul 2018 for £305,000
The postcode for HAINULT CLOSE is DY8 5PB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 HAINULT CLOSE Detached £404,769 £227,500 7 Mar 2006
3 HAINULT CLOSE Detached £492,045 £142,500 18 May 2001
7 HAINULT CLOSE Detached , 108 m2 £607,238 £107,000 26 Apr 1996
9 HAINULT CLOSE Detached , 108 m2 £380,771 £305,000 2 Jul 2018
13 HAINULT CLOSE Detached , 113 m2 £474,774 £278,000 17 Sep 2010