The average house price on BRADLEY ROAD is £223,944
The most expensive house in the street is KNARSBORO HOUSE BRADLEY ROAD with an estimated value of £355,944
The cheapest house in the street is 5 BRADLEY ROAD with an estimated value of £186,232
The house which was most recently sold was 5 BRADLEY ROAD, this sold on 27 Jun 2023 for £182,500
The postcodes for BRADLEY ROAD are DY8 1XA, DY8 1UX, DY8 1XB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
5 BRADLEY ROAD Semi-Detached , 74 m2 £186,232 £182,500 27 Jun 2023
27 BRADLEY ROAD Semi-Detached , 70 m2 £192,284 £191,000 13 Feb 2023
GLOVE HOUSE BRADLEY ROAD £189,367 £150,000 12 Mar 2018
GROVE HOUSE BRADLEY ROAD Detached £195,896 £112,500 10 Aug 2011
KNARSBORO HOUSE BRADLEY ROAD £355,944 £350,000 2 Mar 2023