The average house price on TENNYSON CLOSE is £367,303
The most expensive house in the street is 12 TENNYSON CLOSE with an estimated value of £492,980
The cheapest house in the street is 16 TENNYSON CLOSE with an estimated value of £290,961
The house which was most recently sold was 9 TENNYSON CLOSE, this sold on 15 Jun 2018 for £270,000
The postcode for TENNYSON CLOSE is ST10 1XF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £297,574 £223,000 7 Oct 2016
3 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £362,810 £210,000 8 Nov 2010
6 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £392,132 £223,000 23 May 2006
7 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £346,201 £179,950 16 Sep 2004
8 TENNYSON CLOSE Semi-Detached £345,497 £178,000 6 Aug 2004
9 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £338,351 £270,000 15 Jun 2018
10 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £365,567 £210,000 22 Jul 2011
11 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £379,670 £215,000 28 Apr 2006
12 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £492,980 £98,000 5 Sep 1997
14 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £458,204 £248,000 9 Jan 2009
16 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £290,961 £179,950 6 Dec 2013
17 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £330,281 £91,000 4 Dec 2000
18 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £318,439 £203,000 10 Apr 2014
19 TENNYSON CLOSE Detached £423,588 £77,950 16 Dec 1996