The average house price on ROE PARK is £701,591
The most expensive house in the street is 2 ROE PARK with an estimated value of £904,718
The cheapest house in the street is WOODLEA ROE PARK with an estimated value of £446,340
The house which was most recently sold was ROE PARK FARM ROE PARK, this sold on 27 Oct 2020 for £765,000
The postcode for ROE PARK is ST7 3PW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ROE PARK Detached £551,254 £125,000 30 Jun 1999
2 ROE PARK £904,718 £720,000 4 May 2018
ROE PARK FARM ROE PARK Detached £904,052 £765,000 27 Oct 2020
WOODLEA ROE PARK Detached £446,340 £310,000 11 Aug 2015