The average house price on BIRCHES NOOK COTTAGES is £171,200
The most expensive house in the street is 8 BIRCHES NOOK COTTAGES with an estimated value of £222,706
The cheapest house in the street is 2 BIRCHES NOOK COTTAGES with an estimated value of £130,000
The house which was most recently sold was 3 BIRCHES NOOK COTTAGES, this sold on 10 Jul 2020 for £150,000
The postcode for BIRCHES NOOK COTTAGES is NE43 7JJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 BIRCHES NOOK COTTAGES Terraced , 186 m2 £130,000 £78,500 24 Sep 2013
3 BIRCHES NOOK COTTAGES Terraced , 59 m2 £182,723 £150,000 10 Jul 2020
5 BIRCHES NOOK COTTAGES Terraced , 63 m2 £174,364 £130,000 16 Aug 2016
6 BIRCHES NOOK COTTAGES Terraced , 64 m2 £146,209 £120,500 13 Mar 2020
8 BIRCHES NOOK COTTAGES Terraced , 60 m2 £222,706 £127,950 1 Sep 2011