The average house price on LAYTON DRIVE is £331,703
The most expensive house in the street is 10 LAYTON DRIVE with an estimated value of £445,251
The cheapest house in the street is 7 LAYTON DRIVE with an estimated value of £286,014
The house which was most recently sold was 12 LAYTON DRIVE, this sold on 1 Jul 2019 for £274,000
The postcode for LAYTON DRIVE is SK6 4PN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 LAYTON DRIVE Detached £313,678 £194,000 13 Dec 2013
3 LAYTON DRIVE Detached £336,932 £160,000 26 Mar 2004
4 LAYTON DRIVE Semi-Detached £309,593 £198,000 7 Dec 2007
5 LAYTON DRIVE Detached £290,012 £200,000 17 Jul 2015
7 LAYTON DRIVE Detached £286,014 £224,000 15 Sep 2017
10 LAYTON DRIVE Detached £445,251 £79,000 22 Mar 1995
12 LAYTON DRIVE Detached £340,446 £274,000 1 Jul 2019