The average house price on PINE TERRACE is £79,289
The most expensive house in the street is 1 PINE TERRACE with an estimated value of £116,917
The cheapest house in the street is 2 PINE TERRACE with an estimated value of £52,224
The house which was most recently sold was 6 PINE TERRACE, this sold on 11 Apr 2022 for £57,000
The postcode for PINE TERRACE is DH9 8EJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 PINE TERRACE Semi-Detached £116,917 £35,000 31 Aug 2001
2 PINE TERRACE Terraced , 88 m2 £52,224 £30,000 1 Jul 2011
3 PINE TERRACE Terraced , 87 m2 £74,218 £57,500 28 Jun 2017
4 PINE TERRACE Terraced , 87 m2 £93,954 £57,000 11 Oct 2013
6 PINE TERRACE Terraced £59,133 £57,000 11 Apr 2022