The average house price on HALL STREET is £162,869
The most expensive house in the street is 71 HALL STREET with an estimated value of £207,599
The cheapest house in the street is 34 - 38 HALL STREET with an estimated value of £135,620
The house which was most recently sold was 81 HALL STREET, this sold on 13 Jun 2023 for £136,000
The postcodes for HALL STREET are WA10 1DL, WA10 1EJ, WA10 1EP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
34 - 38 HALL STREET Terraced £135,620 £80,000 8 Aug 2008
71 HALL STREET Terraced , 104 m2 £207,599 £122,000 9 Oct 2006
73 HALL STREET Terraced , 114 m2 £174,420 £95,000 7 Oct 2005
77 HALL STREET Terraced £191,807 £120,000 27 Jun 2007
81 HALL STREET Terraced , 94 m2 £138,781 £136,000 13 Jun 2023
83 HALL STREET Terraced £163,294 £35,000 30 Oct 1998
85 HALL STREET Terraced , 140 m2 £151,455 £122,000 19 Oct 2018
117 HALL STREET Detached , 47 m2 £139,976 £31,000 31 Mar 1999