The average house price on WHITTLE AVENUE is £161,285
The most expensive house in the street is 24 WHITTLE AVENUE with an estimated value of £203,865
The cheapest house in the street is 22 WHITTLE AVENUE with an estimated value of £137,327
The house which was most recently sold was 2 WHITTLE AVENUE, this sold on 18 Dec 2019 for £112,000
The postcode for WHITTLE AVENUE is WA11 0YZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 WHITTLE AVENUE Semi-Detached £138,415 £112,000 18 Dec 2019
16 WHITTLE AVENUE Semi-Detached £162,180 £95,000 2 Aug 2010
18 WHITTLE AVENUE Semi-Detached £164,640 £95,000 11 Mar 2011
22 WHITTLE AVENUE Semi-Detached £137,327 £110,000 6 Jul 2018
24 WHITTLE AVENUE Semi-Detached £203,865 £118,000 30 Nov 2010