The average house price on ST HELENS CLOSE is £790,404
The most expensive house in the street is 1 ST HELENS CLOSE with an estimated value of £1,326,664
The cheapest house in the street is 6 ST HELENS CLOSE with an estimated value of £3,064
The house which was most recently sold was 4 ST HELENS CLOSE, this sold on 8 Jun 2021 for £850,000
The postcode for ST HELENS CLOSE is PO4 0NN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ST HELENS CLOSE Detached £1,326,664 £240,000 21 Oct 1996
2 ST HELENS CLOSE Detached £764,156 £475,000 30 May 2007
3 ST HELENS CLOSE Detached £816,626 £478,000 1 Jun 2010
4 ST HELENS CLOSE Detached £918,736 £850,000 8 Jun 2021
5 ST HELENS CLOSE Detached £640,608 £380,000 13 May 2013
6 ST HELENS CLOSE £3,064 £2,400 1 Sep 2017
7 ST HELENS CLOSE Detached £491,331 £190,000 21 Nov 2002
8 ST HELENS CLOSE Detached £942,769 £235,000 14 Jan 2000
9 ST HELENS CLOSE Detached £755,255 £620,000 24 Jul 2020
10 ST HELENS CLOSE Detached £766,025 £620,000 22 Nov 2019
11 ST HELENS CLOSE Detached £975,668 £185,000 7 Mar 1997
12 ST HELENS CLOSE Detached £1,083,946 £650,000 18 Dec 2006