The average house price on VERNON HILL is £1,021,148
The most expensive house in the street is AMBLEWOOD VERNON HILL with an estimated value of £1,981,185
The cheapest house in the street is 1 VERNON HILL COTTAGE VERNON HILL with an estimated value of £384,775
The house which was most recently sold was THE ROUND HOUSE VERNON HILL, this sold on 25 Mar 2022 for £1,630,000
The postcode for VERNON HILL is SO32 1FH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
AMBLEWOOD VERNON HILL Detached £1,981,185 £1,505,000 16 Jan 2017
THE ROUND HOUSE VERNON HILL Detached , 408 m2 £1,701,611 £1,630,000 25 Mar 2022
3 VERNON HILL COTTAGE VERNON HILL Terraced £611,523 £495,000 16 Oct 2019
1 VERNON HILL COTTAGE VERNON HILL Terraced £384,775 £200,000 3 Sep 2004
2 VERNON HILL COTTAGE VERNON HILL Terraced £426,648 £250,000 23 Jul 2010