The average house price on KILN HILL is £1,021,746
The most expensive house in the street is ORCHARD HOUSE KILN HILL with an estimated value of £1,677,659
The cheapest house in the street is DEESIDE KILN HILL with an estimated value of £714,725
The house which was most recently sold was CHERRY TREES KILN HILL, this sold on 11 Jun 2021 for £880,000
The postcode for KILN HILL is SO32 3QE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
CHERRY TREES KILN HILL Detached £951,162 £880,000 11 Jun 2021
DEESIDE KILN HILL Detached £714,725 £572,500 10 Jul 2018
DRAGONSMEAD KILN HILL Detached £743,441 £131,000 17 Apr 1996
ORCHARD HOUSE KILN HILL Detached £1,677,659 £1,350,000 12 Dec 2018