The average house price on ST PETERS RISE is £624,452
The most expensive house in the street is APPLEGARTH 1 ST PETERS RISE with an estimated value of £833,527
The cheapest house in the street is 3 ST PETERS RISE with an estimated value of £403,968
The house which was most recently sold was 5 ST PETERS RISE, this sold on 17 Aug 2010 for £250,000
The postcode for ST PETERS RISE is TA13 5AZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
APPLEGARTH 1 ST PETERS RISE Detached £833,527 £380,000 9 Dec 2003
APPLEGARTH 1 ST PETERS RISE Detached £833,527 £380,000 9 Dec 2003
3 ST PETERS RISE Detached £403,968 £220,000 21 Jul 2009
5 ST PETERS RISE Detached £426,789 £250,000 17 Aug 2010