The average house price on BRAMLEY CLOSE is £948,451
The most expensive house in the street is 8 BRAMLEY CLOSE with an estimated value of £1,219,715
The cheapest house in the street is 4A BRAMLEY CLOSE with an estimated value of £712,022
The house which was most recently sold was 8 BRAMLEY CLOSE, this sold on 26 Jul 2018 for £977,000
The postcode for BRAMLEY CLOSE is CR2 6NQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BRAMLEY CLOSE Detached £864,585 £499,950 24 Aug 2006
2 BRAMLEY CLOSE Detached £1,062,579 £400,000 31 Oct 2002
3 BRAMLEY CLOSE Detached £826,467 £470,000 31 May 2006
4A BRAMLEY CLOSE Detached £712,022 £430,000 18 Jul 2008
5 BRAMLEY CLOSE Detached £1,163,283 £330,000 9 Mar 2001
6 BRAMLEY CLOSE Semi-Detached £790,512 £425,000 6 Feb 2009
8 BRAMLEY CLOSE Detached , 275 m2 £1,219,715 £977,000 26 Jul 2018