The average house price on AVENT WALK is £639,838
The most expensive house in the street is 2 AVENT WALK with an estimated value of £699,440
The cheapest house in the street is 1 AVENT WALK with an estimated value of £547,254
The house which was most recently sold was 4 AVENT WALK, this sold on 18 Aug 2017 for £540,000
The postcode for AVENT WALK is ME9 9AZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 AVENT WALK Detached £547,254 £348,000 20 Sep 2007
2 AVENT WALK Detached £699,440 £185,000 29 Jun 2000
3 AVENT WALK Detached £689,512 £185,000 25 Aug 2000
4 AVENT WALK Detached £690,925 £540,000 18 Aug 2017
5 AVENT WALK Detached £677,155 £249,500 27 Sep 2002
7 AVENT WALK Detached £589,435 £190,000 8 Feb 2002
8 AVENT WALK Detached £560,123 £147,000 11 May 2000
9 AVENT WALK Detached £664,860 £357,500 29 Jun 2005