The average house price on SWAN HILL COURT is £495,578
The most expensive house in the street is 2 SWAN HILL COURT with an estimated value of £619,724
The cheapest house in the street is 1 SWAN HILL COURT with an estimated value of £351,863
The house which was most recently sold was 7 SWAN HILL COURT, this sold on 18 Mar 2021 for £320,000
The postcodes for SWAN HILL COURT are SY1 1NP, SY1 1NP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SWAN HILL COURT Terraced £351,863 £163,000 16 Jan 2004
2 SWAN HILL COURT Semi-Detached £619,724 £337,500 27 Jul 2009
2 SWAN HILL COURT Semi-Detached £619,724 £337,500 27 Jul 2009
3 SWAN HILL COURT Semi-Detached £527,752 £420,000 25 May 2018
7 SWAN HILL COURT Semi-Detached £358,831 £320,000 18 Mar 2021