The average house price on BAGBOROUGH LANE is £686,895
The most expensive house in the street is BAGBOROUGH HOUSE BAGBOROUGH LANE with an estimated value of £1,544,714
The cheapest house in the street is 1 BAGBOROUGH COTTAGES BAGBOROUGH LANE with an estimated value of £270,615
The house which was most recently sold was FLETCHERS MEADOW BAGBOROUGH LANE, this sold on 10 Jul 2020 for £555,000
The postcodes for BAGBOROUGH LANE are BA4 6SX, BA4 6QP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BAGBOROUGH COTTAGES BAGBOROUGH LANE Semi-Detached £270,615 £155,000 9 Jun 2011
BAGBOROUGH HOUSE BAGBOROUGH LANE Detached £1,544,714 £960,000 30 Jan 2014
FLETCHERS MEADOW BAGBOROUGH LANE £676,075 £555,000 10 Jul 2020
2 LOWER BAGBOROUGH COTTAGES BAGBOROUGH LANE Semi-Detached £453,554 £86,000 11 Mar 1997
THE BEECHES BAGBOROUGH LANE Detached £489,519 £327,000 7 Jan 2015