The average house price on MEADOW BANK CLOSE is £518,590
The most expensive house in the street is 7 MEADOW BANK CLOSE with an estimated value of £614,275
The cheapest house in the street is 6 MEADOW BANK CLOSE with an estimated value of £477,490
The house which was most recently sold was 3 MEADOW BANK CLOSE, this sold on 16 Aug 2021 for £475,000
The postcode for MEADOW BANK CLOSE is TN15 6UB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 MEADOW BANK CLOSE Detached £489,418 £121,995 5 Jan 2000
3 MEADOW BANK CLOSE Detached £533,840 £475,000 16 Aug 2021
4 MEADOW BANK CLOSE Detached £480,645 £385,000 26 Jul 2018
6 MEADOW BANK CLOSE Semi-Detached £477,490 £380,000 24 May 2018
7 MEADOW BANK CLOSE Detached £614,275 £188,000 19 Oct 2001
9 MEADOW BANK CLOSE Detached £515,876 £370,000 21 Dec 2015