The average house price on OLD BURDON is £759,183
The most expensive house in the street is OLD BURDON FARM OLD BURDON with an estimated value of £1,076,349
The cheapest house in the street is THE STABLE OLD BURDON with an estimated value of £474,217
The house which was most recently sold was 3 OLD BURDON HAMLET OLD BURDON, this sold on 3 May 2023 for £475,000
The postcode for OLD BURDON is SR7 0NW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
FARM COTTAGE OLD BURDON Detached £726,985 £127,000 15 Dec 1995
OLD BURDON FARM OLD BURDON Detached £1,076,349 £800,000 24 Jun 2016
3 OLD BURDON HAMLET OLD BURDON Semi-Detached £475,000 3 May 2023
THE STABLE OLD BURDON Detached £474,217 £140,000 31 Jul 2001