The average house price on EDINBURGH CLOSE is £653,202
The most expensive house in the street is 6 EDINBURGH CLOSE with an estimated value of £790,758
The cheapest house in the street is 1 EDINBURGH CLOSE with an estimated value of £537,305
The house which was most recently sold was 6 EDINBURGH CLOSE, this sold on 31 May 2019 for £635,000
The postcode for EDINBURGH CLOSE is M33 4EZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached , 111 m2 £537,305 £363,000 24 Apr 2015
2 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached , 154 m2 £735,175 £590,000 10 Aug 2018
3 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached , 127 m2 £594,769 £230,000 1 Nov 2002
4 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached , 151 m2 £732,445 £590,000 8 Oct 2018
5 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached £618,882 £125,500 19 Dec 1997
6 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached , 175 m2 £790,758 £635,000 31 May 2019
7 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached , 111 m2 £587,287 £350,000 21 Jun 2013
8 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached £678,430 £131,500 20 Jun 1997
9 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached £555,462 £170,000 15 Oct 2001
10 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached £613,065 £302,000 18 May 2004
11 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached £592,890 £342,000 1 Sep 2008
12 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached , 200 m2 £682,995 £410,000 6 Aug 2013
15 EDINBURGH CLOSE Detached , 154 m2 £772,168 £153,500 18 Sep 1997