The average house price on WINDMILL BANK is £578,948
The most expensive house in the street is STILE COTTAGE WINDMILL BANK with an estimated value of £855,716
The cheapest house in the street is BARN CROFT WINDMILL BANK with an estimated value of £447,319
The house which was most recently sold was STILE COTTAGE WINDMILL BANK, this sold on 23 Feb 2023 for £850,000
The postcode for WINDMILL BANK is WS15 4NH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BARN CROFT WINDMILL BANK Semi-Detached , 117 m2 £447,319 £383,000 20 Nov 2020
HAWTHORN COTTAGE WINDMILL BANK Semi-Detached , 121 m2 £484,693 £415,000 20 Nov 2020
STILE COTTAGE WINDMILL BANK Detached , 251 m2 £855,716 £850,000 23 Feb 2023
THE COTTAGE WINDMILL BANK Detached , 108 m2 £528,064 £425,000 26 Jul 2019