The average house price on OLD RECTORY CLOSE is £581,749
The most expensive house in the street is 8 OLD RECTORY CLOSE with an estimated value of £775,573
The cheapest house in the street is 1 OLD RECTORY CLOSE with an estimated value of £374,334
The house which was most recently sold was 7 OLD RECTORY CLOSE, this sold on 2 Apr 2019 for £352,000
The postcode for OLD RECTORY CLOSE is CV23 0EN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 OLD RECTORY CLOSE Detached £374,334 £215,000 11 Dec 2009
3 OLD RECTORY CLOSE Detached £596,634 £112,500 21 Feb 1997
6 OLD RECTORY CLOSE Detached £723,675 £230,000 7 Jan 2002
7 OLD RECTORY CLOSE Detached £438,533 £352,000 2 Apr 2019
8 OLD RECTORY CLOSE Detached £775,573 £250,000 28 Feb 2002