The average house price on STOCKHILL is £495,903
The most expensive house in the street is MENDIP HO STOCKHILL with an estimated value of £630,464
The cheapest house in the street is ROSEBUD COTTAGE STOCKHILL with an estimated value of £378,165
The house which was most recently sold was STOCKHILL HOUSE STOCKHILL, this sold on 18 Dec 2020 for £400,000
The postcode for STOCKHILL is BA3 5RR
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
MENDIP HO STOCKHILL Detached £630,464 £370,000 18 Dec 2012
ROSEBUD COTTAGE STOCKHILL Semi-Detached £378,165 £320,000 27 Oct 2020
STOCKHILL HOUSE STOCKHILL Semi-Detached £462,484 £400,000 18 Dec 2020
THE COTTAGE STOCKHILL Detached £568,284 £155,000 17 Nov 2000
WOODSIDE STOCKHILL Semi-Detached £440,122 £350,000 20 Apr 2018