The average house price on ISAACS PLACE is £167,650
The most expensive house in the street is UNIT 1B ISAACS PLACE with an estimated value of £320,323
The cheapest house in the street is UNIT 6 ISAACS PLACE with an estimated value of £51,844
The house which was most recently sold was UNIT 6 ISAACS PLACE, this sold on 21 Nov 2023 for £50,000
The postcode for ISAACS PLACE is SA12 6NP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
5 ISAACS PLACE Semi-Detached , 102 m2 £78,965 £38,000 19 Apr 2004
UNIT 1A ISAACS PLACE £159,000 16 Apr 2020
UNIT 1B ISAACS PLACE £320,323 £260,500 9 Jul 2020
UNIT 1C ISAACS PLACE £219,470 £180,000 25 Aug 2020
UNIT 6 ISAACS PLACE £51,844 £50,000 21 Nov 2023