The average house price on FFORDD Y GOLLEN is £311,191
The most expensive house in the street is 15 FFORDD Y GOLLEN with an estimated value of £374,506
The cheapest house in the street is 8 FFORDD Y GOLLEN with an estimated value of £241,709
The house which was most recently sold was 15 FFORDD Y GOLLEN, this sold on 17 Nov 2023 for £365,000
The postcode for FFORDD Y GOLLEN is CF38 1TA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
5 FFORDD Y GOLLEN Detached £328,968 £265,000 6 Nov 2018
6 FFORDD Y GOLLEN Semi-Detached £281,633 £64,500 30 Jul 1999
8 FFORDD Y GOLLEN Semi-Detached £241,709 £132,950 20 Aug 2009
9 FFORDD Y GOLLEN Detached £361,998 £240,000 28 Nov 2014
12 FFORDD Y GOLLEN Semi-Detached £241,845 £139,950 28 Jan 2011
13 FFORDD Y GOLLEN Detached £338,540 £272,000 7 Jun 2019
15 FFORDD Y GOLLEN Detached £374,506 £365,000 17 Nov 2023
17 FFORDD Y GOLLEN Detached £311,055 £180,000 21 Jan 2011
24 FFORDD Y GOLLEN Semi-Detached £291,939 £51,000 4 Dec 1995
26 FFORDD Y GOLLEN Detached £339,724 £122,950 9 Aug 2002